Montag, 22. Juni 2009

Moment of Zen - McCain on Obama

Surfing through the internet I found an interesting article...well, the content was not really interersting but the headline caught my attention: ''McCain compliments Obama on his administration of the first 5 months''. McCain says that Obama did a good job in terms of legislative initiatives. Since he used to be his opponent he, of course, not only said good stuff about him and his policy. Thus he critiques his Guantanamo policy. But nevertheless, when reading this article I was wondering WHY McCain openly spoke positively about Obama. I did not really get it. What did McCain try to intent with that? Was it meant honestly or did he like the majority of politicians just say it in order to gain positive PR - just to put himself back in the focus of the press? The question I asked myself is if high ranked politicians CAN be truthful at all or do they just think about themselves and their career when making positive statements about their political opponents...? Do they really think about the people's good anymore or are they so power - obsessed that they totally forgot about WHY they once decided to become politicians...the will and desire to improve things..well, at least that should be the reason for becoming a politician...
Think about it guys and post your opinion.



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